NETworks4inclusion - Local networks for social intervention"


The NETworks4inclusion aims to create an effective and dynamic partnership that combines the efforts of various public and private bodies to promote social cohesion by creating a forum for articulating and combining the efforts of all stakeholders involved.The NETworks4inclusion wants to achieve an effective and dynamic partnership that articulates the social intervention of different public and private entities through the creation of a forum for the articulation and combination of efforts of all entities.The project aims to train adult educators at the local level in each country of the partnership on how to build a new way of collaboration between public and private institutions to agree on the goals and actions developed by the different local actors and optimize local resources. This is done based on equality between partners, respect for the knowledge, identity, potential and intrinsic values of everyone. 

Project Results

Guide for Social intervention

The Guide for Social Intervention will be a dynamic, participatory instrument that allows us to get to know the social reality of each partner country.

Training course & Handbook

This training course and curriculum for adult educators/community workers, offers updated and straightforward information regarding social intervention with individuals and families in poverty and social exclusion

Best Practices Toolkit

This Toolkit is an action plan that can be read and analysed by both professionals and individuals seeking social support.

E-Learning Portal

The e-learning platform will be a communication platform between the social networks of the various countries and will allow access to all the educational materials of the NETworks4inclusion project.

Project Partners

CBE Sud Luberon Val de Durance




Fundación Pascual Tomás






Spectrum Research Centre



Click below to read about the key milestones and achievements of the project.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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